Sensorama has participated in different art festivals along its trajectory, with different sensorial experiences in Mexico and other parts of the world. Creating shows with a theme of the festival, like in Cumbre Tajin that presents a different theme every year, Sensorama has created a special experience that meets the festival’s theme.
Some other times, Sensorama has performed experiences from its repertoire or new shows.
Mayo 1-3 de 2010. Festival Barroquísimo. Puebla, México. We were invited to the 2nd edition of Barroquisimo Festival, where we performed the show “Desbordante”. Synesthetic Art, dance and video took place in the Historic downtown of this beautiful city.
Marzo 13 2010. Ecofest. “1st Sustainable consume festival” Xochipilli fountain in Chapultepec, Mexico City. Sensorama had the honor of participating in this
Marzo 15 2009. 4-Scenic Arts Encounter at the National Center of Arts in Mexico City. : Sensorama had the honor of participating in this National Fund program for the Arts and Culture. A platform that supports the work of scenic artists in the country. Sensorama performed the sensorial experience “Four Elements – Native Chants”.