¿What is Sensorama?

Sensorama is an artistic and multidisciplinary company created back in 1994, based on the Thesis “Sensorama: a de-symbolized process” and also in several scenic, musical, esthetic and spiritual investigations from psychologists, dancers, communicologists, musicians, among others.
Sensorama is centered on the experimentation and creation of multi-perceptual experiences, which explore the possibilities of an art that involves the whole human perception. The public submerges into a sensorial experience that allows alternate realities and perceptual states. We like to believe this opens and allows the sensibility to relate ourselves in a new way with the Life in our Planet.

Sensorama is an experimentation space where your eyes are blindfolded. This way, your other senses get more sensitive along with your entire body, allowing you to live an adventure within the themes and atmospheres we have created for your own self-exploration.

Sensorama is a pioneer on the multi-perceptual and sensorial in our country. We are established in Mexico City, where our work is in permanent exhibition. We’re focussing our efforts to become a national and international recognized art company, with the continuously exploration and evolution of the work we have been developed all these years.